Today was a great day at the tank!!! Our friend Chris Emerson was so nice to donate us some new critters!!! We now have 3 new sea stars, a brittle star, 2 sea urchins, 3 flounder and a couple minnows!! We are all excited about the new specimen in the tank you will have to stop by Tuesday between 11am - 4pm to welcome them all to the tank!
And now the moment you have all been waiting for, the name drawing for the Green Crab! We had a lot of good entries and the one that we picked out of the pot was...
Drum roll please....
PETEY!! Name suggested by Jordan from Worcester, Massachusetts.
Congratulations for being picked and if your name was not picked our creature feature for this next week are Whelks!! So come down and we will have new crafts and new creatures who need to be named.
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